
  • 发布于:2024-02-21
  • 169 人围观

1:建立c# 项目 (注意项目必须含有接口,其他类应该实现该接口,才可以在其他语言中用该com组件)

2:将 AssemblyInfo.cs 里的 [assembly: ComVisible(false)] 改为 true

3:项目-属性-生成里将:为com erop 注册 选种



using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Text;

namespace UseMethod


public erface IField


void SetField(UseMethod.Fields f);

UseMethod.Fields GetField();

UseMethod.Fields GetSetField(UseMethod.Fields f);

Add( i,j);


public class FieldAction:IField


public FieldAction()




public void SetField(UseMethod.Fields f)

Fields f1 = new Fields();

f1.city = city;

f1.country = country;

f1.myCity = nycity;

f1.myName = myName;


public UseMethod.Fields GetField()


Fields f1 = new Fields();

f1.city = city;

f1.country = country;

f1.myCity = nycity;

f1.myName = myName;

return f1;


public UseMethod.Fields GetSetField(UseMethod.Fields f)


return f;

publicAdd( i,j)


return i + j;



public class Fields


public string city;

public string country;

public string myName;

public string myCity;


} 当然可以有其他复杂的类,但是在操作时,最好用强类型,以便于识别!

将生成的UseMethod.tlb 即.tlb文件引用到vb的项目中,然后


Private Sub cmdObject_Click()

Dim meth As UseMethod.IField

Dim met As UseMethod.FieldAction

Dim result As UseMethod.Fields

Dim fi As UseMethod.Fields

Set fi = New UseMethod.Fields

Set met = New UseMethod.FieldAction

With fi

.city = city

.country = country

.myName = myName

.myCity = MYcITR

End With

Set meth = met

txtStr.Text = meth.Add(8, 9)

Set result = meth.GetSetField(fi)

txtInOut.Text = result.city result.country //注意这里的属性应和c#里定义的一样

MsgBox soapClient3.AddressName, vbDefaultButton1, 提示

End Sub
